育達科大 總務處

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About Office of General Affairs

    The mission of Office of General Affairs is to implement the idea of establishing this university: ethics, innovation, quality, and results. Practicing the business of general services, cashier, property management, construction, and security, Office of General Affairs uses the computerization of administration and services to effectively integrate manpower and resources to create a best environment for teaching, learning, and living. With an idea that we are at the service of teachers and students, Office of General of Affairs strives to simplify the procedures of administration, enhance the efficiency of administration, reduce the manpower of administration, computerize the work of administration, open more sources of funds and cut down expenses to offer perfect coordination, support and services.

Organization Chart
    The dean of Office of General Affairs receives orders from the principal and is supervised and directed by the vice-principal. Since the ninety-fifth academic year, Office of General Affairs has been reorganized. According to the regulations, it consists of three divisions: General Service Division, Construction and Maintenance Division, Environmental and Healther Center. 
This is an image

Organization Introduction
General Service Division
    The General Service Division is responsible for the business of purchase, the cleanliness and beautification of the campus, and the assignment of the cars for public affairs. Besides, it is in charge of managing the sites for the conferences of the whole university; the employment and dismissal of manual workers; the property of the university; the obtainment of lands; school buildings; teachers’ research rooms; the lending of graduation caps and gowns; the distribution and lending of dormitories; and operations of space.
The Cashier Division is responsible for the management of receipts; the collection of every fund; the disbursement of every fund; the payment of the petty cash; the collection of the deposit; the issue of salaries; the collection of tuition and incidental fees; the declaration of income tax withholding; the making and dispatching of the certificates of income tax withheld; the management of the business of taxes.
Construction and Maintenance Division
    The Construction and Maintenance Division is in charge of the planning and management of civil engineering, water and electricity, air-conditioning, elevators, fire fighting, subsidiary equipment, campus public security, and the declaration of the fire fighting of buildings; the repairs and maintenance of water supply, power distribution, the switchboard, and buildings along with their equipment; environmental security and sanitation, the plan and practice of the self-defense fire fighting system, reductions of campus waste, the plan of recycling, and the matters of declaration.
Environmental and Healther Center
    The duties that the Environmental Safety and Health Center is charged with environmental protection to the health of students and research staff,regarding planning and implementing various aspects of environmental protection,safety and health,such as safety and hygiene training,chemical materials control,staff health management.







Dean / Chen, Chi-chih



General Service Division


Section Director / Fu, Yen-Che




Associate Clerk / Wu, Chun-Hui




Clerk / Zeng, Yu-Ren




Associate Technical Specialist /
Chen, Chien-Chuan



  Senior Administrative Assistant /
Fang, Ya-Lung
3201 prop@ydu.edu.tw


Senior Administrative Assistant /
Chu, Chiu-Yen




Senior Clerk / Chung,Su-Ching



Construction and Maintenance Division


Section Director / Kuo, Chiu-ping




Associate Technical Specialist /
Chang, Won-Sang




Clerk / Hsu, Jung-Chih


hb1267 @ydu.edu.tw

Environmetnal adn Healther Center


Dean / Chen, Chi-chih




Clerk / Hsu, Jung-Chih 


hb1267 @ydu.edu.tw

Campus Security
    The Campus Security is primarily responsible for the security and peace of the campus, the controlling of the vehicles, and the prevention of crime and disaster.

Committee for Campus Landscape Greening
This committee is in charge of considering the campus landscape greening, the need of campus buildings, the plan of campus space, the distribution and uses of spaces, and related matters.
Committee for the Management of Dormitories
This committee is in charge of the management and lending of the dormitories.
Committee for the Distribution and Use of Teacher's Research Rooms
This committee is in charge of considering the distribution and use of teacher’s research rooms, as well as related matters.
Committee for Environmental Security and Sanitation
This committee is in charge of setting related regulations about environmental security and sanitation, as well as starting propaganda campaigns for educational training.